Saturday morning at the…Writing desk. It’s been more than a year now since I ended my “Saturday Morning at the Library” posts, and that second job. Life is good, different, but very good. Yes, I still get up around 5:30 every Saturday to feed the kitties, potty the dog, get beautiful (still takes a crazy amount of time) and watch the VH1 countdown on cable. But now instead of jumping in my car and letting it drive me to Starbucks before speeding (around 36 mph) to the library to – get there early – battle the ghosties (or rather – scare myself half to death) – I am a somewhat normal 7:30 – 4:30 M-F kind of person, who likes to write.
After finishing my numerous Creative writing classes at Bradley and with the encouragement of family and a few friends, I decided to self publish some of my stories. Of course without the Amazing Natalie Fee, the pages of words would still be sitting in the bottom of my desk drawer or gathering thought dust bunnies on a half empty jump drive in my purse – just in case.
Now that two books are out and gathering dust on Amazon’s shelf – Natalie, the editor and tech genius, Amber, the brilliant Library research person/marketing major, and Tj, the person who could sell dirt in a cemetery (she actually did), told me to keep writing and promote myself – ugh.
So, here it is… please LIKE, SHARE or COMMENT on my new author page on Facebook. And I promise the next posts will be much more entertaining – and there will be cookies! Well, not really, but you know…